Friday, April 21, 2006

Friends with Money

Remember that movie I was all excited about? The one with Catherine Keener AND Jennifer Aniston AND Frances McDormand AND Joan Cusack?

Go see it! Especially if you are a fortysomething white woman who's not quite sure what happened to her life and loves her friends, even when they drive her crazy! And even more especially if you like intelligent visual and verbal realism and narrative meandering (which is, of course, of a piece with that kind of filmic realism)! And if you knew The Good Girl wasn't a fluke, and that Jennifer Aniston has it in her, when she puts herself in the hands of smart indie writer/directors, well, you'll be a happy camper. Lucy and I certainly were.


Lucy said...

Ya know that question some of us have wondered about - would we be friends if we met now? Actually my pal Chrystal has posed that question. Well, I wonder about that question in relation to Ms. Aniston in the film. Being a bit coy as not to give away a thing.

I do not wonder about that myself, as I am not friends with people if there is no there there, so to speak.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I really want to see this...

postacademic said...

I know I'm on dicey territory here - but I really don't "get" Jennifer Aniston. I thought she was completely unbelievable as a stoner house cleaner. Like, her persona in real life completely cancels out any acting ability she might have to play "every girl" - I don't see the character, I see Aniston.
And those horrible hippie clothes "designed" by the character played by Frances McDormand. They're the kind of unstructured linen things that only work in Berkeley. CA. and nowhere else. But her character rocked...that whole depression, why should I wash my hair if it's just going to get dirty again thing. And the gay-straight husband. Shoot, I should shut up and go over to my own blog now...