Saturday, January 06, 2007

Friday Night Movies

E: Samantha: An American Girl Holiday. Yes, we've already seen it. Yes, she knows it so well she can close her eyes before the scary parts even start, and she makes us watch the last scene, her favorite, when it's time for bed, even though we're only halfway through. But it takes on new import at this, her first viewing with her very own Samantha by her side, courtesy of last month's birthday and her adoring Grammy.

M: Life-Size. Disaster. When Lindsay Lohan (old school Disney Lindsay Lohan) stole the book of spells to try and bring her mother back from the dead, we were out of there. We'd lasted maybe six minutes.

Me: The 40 Year Old Virgin (I hate to be a pedant, but shouldn't that be The 40-Year-Old Virgin?). I'm going out on a limb here. I was kind of dreading this movie. In fact, I've rented it at least twice already and not watched it. Because it's one of those movies that everyone loves and thinks is hilarious. And I have a tendency to dislike those movies, though I did like that movie about the joke, even though I didn't so much like Sarah Silverman. And, you know, I liked this one. And I thought it was funny. I definitely would have thought it was funnier if I'd been in a movie theater full of people, rather than alone in front of my TV, but I laughed out loud, and the "You know how I know your gay?" schtick was hilarious. But mainly (limb, here I come, or maybe not, maybe this is totally obvious), I thought this movie was totally sweet. And of course I love Catherine Keener. And the Hair medley at the end? Up there in the pantheon of best things ever. So put me down as a believer.

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