Friday, September 23, 2005

Welcome Fall

I'm ready. I know I'll regret it come November, let alone February. But right now I'm ready. For sweaters and leaves and apples we picked and real pajamas and soup. And especially for root vegetables.

I never met a root vegetable I didn't like. And yes, I do like rutabagas and turnips. Especially roasted.

My favorite food is bread. My second favorite food is ice cream. My third favorite...well, that's getting tougher. Carrots or melon, probably. But then we're talking potatoes, onions, winter squash, and beets, especially beets.

K and I have a policy: if it has beets, we order it.

The other fall food K and I worship is the pumpkin muffin. Mmm. And yes, I know pumpkin is not a root vegetable. For that matter, now that I think of it, neither is winter squash, of course. But they're all part of the fall vegetable spectrum, and I'm ready to eat them.

This evening I'm wearing a tank top and all of our windows are still open, as they've been since we moved to Town in June. But tonight we had butternut squash ravioli for dinner, and I'll sleep under my quilt. I'm ready.


jackie said...

My favorite food is pizza, because it unites two of my favorite foods-- bread and cheese. They are the holy trinity of food for me.

I'm also looking forward to pumpkin muffins! and more baking in general, when you can turn the oven on and not instantly break out in a sweat.

Kelly said...

Oh, i hear you.

My third crop of beets are just about ready for the market, and I cannot wait to have roasted beets drizzled with lemon and olive oil. Mmmmm...

I just picked the first butternut--11.5 lbs, out of my compost pile volunteer garden. Will make soup tonight.