Friday, December 09, 2005

Not The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Will I lose my avid childhood reader cred if I admit that I never read the Narnia books?


Elizabeth said...

No, but I'd love to know why. Did someone not think they were appropriate for you, or did you just never run across them, or what?

jackie said...

Me neither! I tried the first one and really couldn't get into it at all.

bitchphd said...

No, b/c they kind of sucked.

Libby said...

(now this really is me, Becca...) I loved them as a kid, as I loved most fantasy--actually as I loved almost everything I read. I was pretty undiscriminating. Nowadays, though, I can hardly bear them. So you were no doubt just ahead of the curve...

Anonymous said...

(...this is the other Libby that is a fan of yours) I loved them as a kid, too, but a couple years ago I tried to read the first one to my daughter and had to stop. Her third grade teacher just read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to the class, she can read the rest on her own now. We saw the movie on Saturday and I think they did a nice job w/it.