Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Hierarchies of Affection

E is into ranking the people she loves. I usually come first, which is good, as S doesn't mind not being first, and I believe I would mind it, even knowing that this is the absurdity of a four year old attempting to make sense of the confusing world that surrounds her. After me, in varying orders, come S, M, and Teddy. Occasionally she ranks her best friend A , and sometimes grandparents or cousins. Always, though, she ends her list by announcing firmly, "And I hate George W. Bush and the Yankees."

[I just read this to E. She said, "You know what I do last? George W. Bush and the Yankees, because last is the hating part."]

[I should be clear that we are generally anti-hate at our house, except when it comes to George W. Bush and the Yankees.]

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