Thursday, April 21, 2005

Slime of the Times

Has anyone else noticed that David Brooks just keeps getting worse? His "I'm such a reasonable conservative you could almost mistake me for a liberal" cover is pretty much blown by now, but he still works that "aren't I being even-handed by condemning everyone?" line to mask the fact that he is essentially a right-wing stooge who drinks lattes instead of Budweisers. To condemn Blackmun, not for legalizing abortion, but for getting everyone, right and left, all upset and overreactive about abortion, is just so slimy and back-handed that I'm just glad I'm reading this on the computer instead of in a newspaper, so I don't have to rip the paper into tiny little shreds and make a big mess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still reeling from the Vanity Fair article about the American media system and its misinformation. Never have I been so proud of the British Press!