Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Why My Aunt M Is Great

She dotes on my kids, irrepressibly.

She provides copious amounts of delicious food.

She never runs faster than I do.

When I tell her that I have Vogue, her response is "What about Vanity Fair?"

She is ever welcoming to and interested in my friends.

She lets me use her Kiehl's shampoo.

She won't let me do the dishes.

She begat the eternally patient A, who is always willing, even, seemingly, happy, to read books, go to the park, play games, and go in the funhouse at the fair one more time.

She has an ideally located apartment in the city and an equally ideally located house in the country (ok, it would be even better if there was a pond, but we'll forgive her).

She's always up for a good family gossip.

She can't imagine not loving to read.

In short, I'm sorry she can't be your aunt, but I'm awfully glad she's mine.

[Consider this your thank you note, M!]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks B. I loved your visit. Aunt M