Friday, September 02, 2005

I Guess the Theme Is Gas

My Katrina thought for the day: New Orleans needs Rudy Giuliani.

Of course that's not my only Katrina thought. I'm still mesmerized like everyone else. We found out that our friends are fine--they made it to Shreveport, and now she's taken the kids to his parents by train and he's trying to drive up, but there's no gas. I have horrified thoughts and political thoughts, but really I'm sure everyone else has blogged such thoughts better than me, though these days I don't have much blog-reading time, so I can only refer you to Bitch Ph.D. who, happily for her loyal readers, who probably include most of my readers, is back from vacation.

I remember blogging several months ago about gas hitting $2.18. In July I drove for miles trying to find gas for less than $2.35, not because it made such a difference to pay $2.29, but on principle. Today I paid $3.08, after driving by $3.27 and $3.18. $27 to fill my almost-empty tank. The most expensive American gas I have ever seen in my life. I'm actually one of those people who think gas should be a lot more expensive than it is, but not so that hoarding oil companies can profiteer.

And in completely gas-unrelated news, I made the terrible mistake of telling E about 52 Pick Up and it's now her favorite game.

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