Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Apparently Attachment Is Not An Issue

E [holding up the shabby purple bear that became absolutely crucial when we went to England, and has been only marginally less central ever since, that is to say, the teddy whom S and I tear the house apart to find at least once a week]: I need a new teddy.

Me: Why?

E: This teddy is dirty. And he's chewed.

Me: You could stop chewing on him.

E: No, I want a new teddy.

Me: Well, I think you can pick another teddy to sleep with, or another stuffed animal.

E: OK. And then can we throw this teddy away?

[Note: I just read this aloud to the girls, and when M asked E if she wanted to throw teddy away, she said no. Phew. I'm not quite sure why I care, but somehow it seems psychologically problematic. Plus I know that if we throw it away, she'll want it the next day. Though I suppose I could tell her I'd thrown it away, but really keep it. Except I'm not that kind of mom. In fact, I told her in the original conversation that it wasn't a good idea to throw teddy away because she might want him later. Maybe that sank in.Or maybe she's just being her normal random self.]

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