Saturday, October 29, 2005

I Give Up

I was determined to wait until November. But it got to the point where we all kept our fleeces on in the house. M would put on a hat when she got home. At night, S and I would leap from our clothes into winter pajamas and then dive under the covers, only to huddle against each other, shivering. When we returned from dinner last night, the thermostat read 58.

The heat is now on.


Libby said...

You still held out almost a week longer than me, and in a (supposedly) colder climate. I absolve you!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, ours came on last night too, and I had the same conviction. Oh well, at least I haven't opened the vent in my office yet--I'm still freezing in there. :)

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, that anon is me, Eve. Meant to sign my name but was shivering so much I forgot.