Thursday, November 03, 2005

Internet Activism

I just unsubscribed from the email lists for MoveOn, Act for Change, John Kerry, and the Democratic Party. I stopped looking at them on or around November 3, 2004, and now they just oppress me. Or depress me, depending on how narcissistic I'm feeling. (When I'm narcissistic they oppress; when I'm altruistic they depress.)

One of the unsubscribe pages asked why I was unsubscribing. I checked the box that said "Too many emails." If you email me every single day with another crisis, I'm going to stop paying attention. It's called Chicken Little. I know the sky really is falling. I just can't take you all telling me every single day. I appreciate your work, but I'm not going to give you any more money. And email petitions don't really do anything, whether they come from us or them.

Where's the group that will send me one email a week with a specific, easy, personalized step I can take to make a real difference? That I would read.

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