Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I Need Answers

1. Should I cut my hair?

Last cut maybe in April. Now a few inches below my shoulders (in case you've never seen me, I have thick graying brown hair that is sometimes straight, sometimes curly, sometimes in between, slightly parted on the side, longish layers). Perfect length for scooping up into a bun with just a hairband, or pulling the front ends back into a barrette at the nape of the neck. Mostly looks fine down too. But last week I all of a sudden became completely sick of it. I was ready for it to skim my shoulders again. The only reason I didn't get it cut immediately is that I was out of town. Then yesterday I was looking at a magazine (In Style, if you must know: I loathe it, but M loves it, and we were on an airplane...) and everyone had hip long hair, and it seemed crazy to give mine up. What to do?

2. Should I buy a Mac?

OK, all you dedicated Mac-users, I know your answer. But what about switching? What about not being able to double-click my touchpad? My four-year-old laptop is going. Soon to be going going gone, either proactively on my part, or suddenly of its own accord when I need it most. Takes forever to boot up, hardly any battery, cord keeps falling out of its little socket, and I just realized that the reason my photos look so bad is that there is an out-of-focus stripe down the middle of the screen. The case for a new laptop is firmly made. Last week, I was hanging out with a bunch of Mac people, all with their laptops, and they were very definitive. But I haven't had a Mac since 1986. Aren't there good, cheap, light PCs? With lots of battery? That you just open up and they start? That don't have that string of incomprehensible icons along the bottom? And let me just keep doing what I've been doing?


Libby said...

Ha! I cut my hair ten days ago when I caught sight of the back of it in a three-way mirror. The extra length in back (mine had gone about as long as yours, I think--no cut since April, now below the shoulders) was just too much, and I can still pull it back now. So I'm on the pro-haircut side. If you're on facebook you can see how it looks now.

As for macs, well, that's what I have. I love my powerbook (G4). Mark just got an IBM think-pad for work, which is smaller and lighter than the mac--and has the cool stylus and touch-screen--but it still seems awkward to me. But that's b/c we've been a mac family for over a dozen years. Switching isn't hard--we did it when it was harder--but there will be some glitches, no question. So if windows is comfortable maybe you should stay there--it will certainly be cheaper!

Unknown said...

Don't cut your hair -- do get a Mac!!! I got a "trim" a few months ago that ended up with like 4 inches being hacked off and I still regret it... But I got a Mac about 6 months ago and I LOVE it. (and I had no problem switching from a PC, either.) Plus, if you get a Mac, we can video chat! Yay!

Jenny Davidson said...

My vote: pro-haircut; anti-Mac...

Phantom Scribbler said...

Laughing! I balance out Jenny: no haircut -- it looks lovely as it is -- and Macs are quite nice. Switching wasn't so hard, and the right-click instinct was easily replaced.

If you have questions about specific software that you might miss on a Mac, lemme know.

landismom said...

Haircut--neutral. Mac--good.