Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Chocolate Guinness Cake

This one was outstanding. If it was a person of the masculine persuasion, it would be Da Man. If I used such terms, it would be The Bomb. As it is, I’m not quite sure I have sufficiently original words to describe how good it was, so I’ll have to resort to chocolate cake banalities. The Guinness in the title does indeed refer to beer, and there’s just a hint of fizzy tang, but mainly it is simply the perfect moist, dark, delicious chocolate cake you’ve always dreamed of, and the cream cheese icing is divine. I made it late Sunday night, in response to a slight panic attack, and we ate it yesterday for breakfast--the girls couldn’t believe their luck. Take my word for it, you wish you’d been there. Oh, and it was so easy, as easy as my favorite Joy of Cooking brownie recipe--you mix them both in the same saucepan you melt the butter in--and it took exactly 45 minutes, which is just what Nigella said.

Here are pictures from the always reliable Nigella Forum, and they look just like Nigella’s, and mine looked just like theirs.

[And if you’ve only recently joined us here at Not Quite Sure, I’m baking my way through Nigella’s Chocolate Cake Hall of Fame. This is cake #6 and it’s up there in the top tier with Chocolate Gingerbread and Quadruple Chocolate Loaf Cake.]

Edited to add: The Nigella Forum has requested that I remove all links to their site because they are a private group, which I don't quite understand, given that they are on the internet, but I'm happy to oblige. Here are some replacement pictures.


Libby said...

Oh, I definitely want this recipe. Is it available online anywhere? chocolate, guiness, what could be wrong?

Anonymous said...

Chocolate is the best thing ever! I love it!Here are some facts about chocolate for chocolovers!

Anonymous said...

I've baked this so many times I can't count; it is absolutely divine and I don't drink!