Monday, December 26, 2005

Five Weird Things

Landismom posted about five weird things her kids do. I've been thinking of posting about a very weird thing my kids do (#1 in the list below). Let's see if I can come up with five.

1) My kids spend an inordinate amount of time upside down. Basically a modified plough pose, if you know your yoga, though without the arm position. They watch TV upside down. They read upside down. They lie upside down on the couch and on the floor, contemplating the ceiling. They do their next weird thing upside down.

2) My kids practically live on frozen peas. We go through three family-size bags a week, not a pea cooked. When we get home, which is usually around 5:45, the first thing I do is pour each of them a bowl of coldy peas, as they are known chez nous. Which they then consume upside down, as often as not.

3) One of my kids' favorite games is known as the two-year-old game. I believe this game consists of E being a two year old and M being some older person in charge of the two year old--mom? big sister? I'm not quite sure. But they play it a lot.

Wow, those three came quickly, but now I'm having trouble. E eats frozen waffles frozen, but that basically repeats #2. M reads the same books over and over and over, but that's ordinary bookish child weirdness. Oh, I've got one, though it's a kind of passive weirdness, testimony, really, to their weird father.

4) My kids own records. LPs. Lots of them. And they go to record stores and pick out new records (well, used records, but new to them) (when their friends come over and see the records, they ask what they are--that's how weird it is for kids to own records).

I'm struggling here. And my kids are so weird, really, they are, but somehow I'm having trouble pinpointing their weirdness.

Of course there's the M weirdness of refusing to see movies in movie theaters, but I'm trying to come up with shared weirdnesses, and E is down with movie theaters.

OK, I've got it.

5) My kids spend more time planning the game than playing the game. In fact, in the middle of playing, they'll stop for more planning. Very meta.

And I even thought of one more.

Extra credit: The weirdest thing my kids say to each other: "Let's pretend that we're sisters."


Anonymous said...

aww. this post reminds me of how much i miss hanging out with your kids. zilla and i are seriously planning a trip in your direction for the springtime. hopefully i'll get to eat some frozen peas then.

jackie said...

do they like to play the records, or just own them? record cover art can be really interesting-- they even sell frames especially for hanging album covers on your wall now. I've got a few and lust after more.

your kids sound fun!

Libby said...

Hmm, my kids play records and eat frozen veggies still frozen, too, though it's usually corn over here. Nick eats both peas and corn still frozen, actually...They don't own their own records, though, they just play ours. Mariah's friends (we're talking teenagers, here) strangely find us cool because we have records. Since being cool in the eyes of teenagers escaped me when I was a teenager, this amuses me no end.