Thursday, December 15, 2005

Following Up

Parodie commented on that last post:

Not to burst your maybe-it-abusive-homes theory, but the little sister of a good friend of mine from high school committed suicide (by hanging herself) several years ago. Her home was stable, not abusive, her parents are wonderful loving people that are "cornerstone of the community" kind of people. It was really a tragedy.
But the family does have a history of mental disorders (depression et al), and I believe the girl in question was in therapy etc. So it wasn't out of left field - which is really cold comfort. :( Suicide is such a horrible thing...

I think that's really what I try to tell myself: not that it's all abusive homes (my friend's observation was about screwed up kids more generally, not suicide ), but that there is some cause, that it won't come out of left field and all of a sudden I'll discover my apparently happy and healthy daughter hanging dead in her closet. But I'm sure that happens too...

I'm aiming for a more cheerful post later today, if E stops throwing up...


parodie said...

I guess the best we can do is be loving and supportive and involved in the lives of teenagers, and hope that they make it through that tumultuous time safely.

I wonder about how we as a society treat teens - they are expected to still be children, yet they are obviously ready for more responsibility, etc. I often think that we need more obvious coming-of-age rituals, and more areas where we can let them take control.

Appologies for highjacking your post...

radmama said...

It really isn't about abusive families, in my view, it's about mental illness connected with the "there is nothing beyond this" attitude of many adolescents.

Depression can be an exhausting and painful illness and suicide is, for many, the only way they see away from the pain.