Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Dinner Solution

E was at a play rehearsal, S was home, and M had a friend over for dinner. I don't know if it was an age issue (substituting another 11 year old for the seven year old) or a sibling issue (i.e. there weren't any), but we had the most pleasant dinner I can remember. No squabbling, sulking, warring over Mommy's attention; no need to tell anyone to stay in their chair; no second meal. Just two big girls cheerfully setting and clearing the table, thoroughly pleasant conversation, relaxed sitting around the table after eating. We thought about trading E for M's friend, but I guess we'd miss her. Except maybe at dinner.


Jenny Davidson said...

Delightful! Now you will have to try it with M at rehearsal and one of E's friends (preferably chosen by you) with you and S for dinner, just for fairness...

postacademic said...

I just had a nice dinner with Friend in Crisis and She Who Dated Nicolas Cage When They Were Both 16 - minus the two year old child. I love Toddler - but there was something nice about chilling out with US Weekly and wine - especially as this was about supporting FIC through grieving process. US Weekly does have some kind of palliative effect, however temporary.