Thursday, May 12, 2005

Maternal Dismay

As I snuggled with E this morning, we had a conversation that I tried to remember so I could blog it verbatim, but unfortunately the rest of the early morning erased the details (probably it was the trying to decide whether M should go to school, since she threw up dramatically around midnight, but then slept fine for the rest of the night) (her stomach hurts so she's staying home, though I suspect there will be happy playing by early afternoon).

Anyway, all I recall now is the gist which involved E insisting that only boys can make computers because computers are hard to make (this despite me pointing out that our friend P, who is a woman, though I must admit I called her a girl, used to work in a factory making computers).

Also, she asked me what those wiggly lines on my forehead were and why she didn't have any.

Way to endear yourself to your aging feminist mother, kid!

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