Tuesday, May 17, 2005


So, I succumbed to the unbearable pressure of Dawn (anyone get that fictional allusion?) and put my stats back in, which is how I discovered that Bitch Ph.D. had linked to me (though I would have discovered that anyway, given my unbearable addiction to Bitch Ph.D.) (that "unbearable" is purely for the sake of repetition and sentence rhythm--I get enormous pleasure out of my Bitch Ph.D. addiction) (god I sound sycophantic).

Anyway, this morning I checked my stats and they had spiked again, which seemed odd, given that everyone has probably read that Bitch Ph.D. post. This time, however, it's all Google and Yahoo searches for Guinness Chocolate Cake. In general, my major search terms are Nigella cakes, but I'm wondering why the sudden surge of interest. Was Guinness Chocolate Cake featured on the Food Network last night? Did someone choke on a Guinness Chocolate Cake somewhere? Is Nigella touring and I never heard about it?

Someone, please, enlighten me.

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