Thursday, February 23, 2006

Olympics 6: We Don't Have to Bind Them, But Couldn't They Be Gagged?

If I never again hear a figure skating commentator say "She fought for that one" or "the performance of her life," it will still be too soon. I wish I'd been recording their inanities all along, but it's probably better for everyone that I didn't.

Yeah, the falls were bad, and she didn't deserve the gold, but, my god, Sasha Cohen is a beautiful skater. I'm so glad she she got the silver. (And just to show how evilly jingoistic I am, when Sasha fell, I muttered "fuck," and when Irina fell, I pumped my fist and yelled "yes!")

Shizuka Arakawa grew on me. She's no Sasha, but she's a lovely skater. She deserved to win.

I don't like Emily Hughes. I'm not quite sure why, but I think it has something to do with her smile, which I do not like at all. And there's something about her skating too--she's just not graceful. But she sure fought for it.

Kimmie Meissner and Elene Gedevanishvili make me excited about the next few years.

And we LOVED the magic fridge ad.


landismom said...

I totally agree--the commentary was really annoying. What's his name--Dick Button? sounded like he was going off to drink scotch during every commercial break.

Anonymous said...

I love that I live in Seattle and I can watch the Olympics on the Canadian station. They seem to know the value of silence much better than the Americans. Plus, it's v. entertaining to see them get so excited about curling.

And I'm evil, too. I just don't like Irina, never have. Arakawa was lovely. Good for her.