Monday, February 06, 2006

Party Update

Skipped the school parents party, as planned.

Received a fortuitous dinner invitation for the night of the synagogue party, so that one has been escaped.

Ended up at the Super Bowl party--I'm not quite sure why--and had a fine time. Restaurant people are extremely easy to party with. I think it's because they party so much, and the essence of the business is hospitality, so everything is just laid back and there is plenty of food and alcohol and people are friendly and fun is had.

I spent the first part of the night hanging with A, one of S's co-chefs, whom I've never really talked to that much, so that was nice. Then I chatted with S's boss C's wife who turns out, of course, to know half the people I knew in high school (she was a few years older and went to a different school, but lots of my friends went to her school and lots of her friends went to my school and basically she knew all my friends' older brothers and we probably attended a few of the same parties, way back in the day).

The girls had a fabulous time bouncing about the restaurant with the other restaurant kids and the puppy (don't ask--I seem to be the only one who questions the viability of the puppy at the restaurant), stealing Clementine sodas from behind the bar (that would be M), protecting Bitty Baby from P and C who kept threatening to bake her in the oven (that would be E), and eating barbecue (M) and pasta (E).

Best of all, S won $250!! (It was some kind of competition I'd never heard of where there is a grid of numbers and you buy a square with two numbers and if the score at the end of a quarter ends with your numbers, you win. He had Seattle 3, Pittsburgh 0, so we now have spending money for our vacation.)

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