Saturday, June 24, 2006

Becca Blogs

I was wasting time. I was clicking "Next Blog" (see upper right). I came upon a blog by Becca. And she linked to a blog by Becca. So then I started looking for Becca blogs. The most famous, of course, is DasBecca. Also Beccary. Then there is SimplyBecca (who seems like my kind of girl, just from her links). And BeccaU who knits. And another Becca who knits (and lives in San Francisco and cooks and reads cool books and links to Bitch Ph.D.). And Becca in Hawaii who vlogs. And Becca in Arizona who is out to get the Republicans (you go, girl!). And thoughtful Becca. And random Becca. And babe Becca. And Taoist Becca. And Becca who is on a grand adventure with Brian. And Becca. And Becca. And Becca. And Becca.

1 comment:

postacademic said...

I like those Becca Blogs too!