Friday, May 05, 2006

All I Can Say Is Wow

I should have known Go Fug Yourself would pick up on this picture. I saw it somewhere else and showed it to S. His response? "That looks painful." I've been trying to come up with something to say and it's hard, very hard. You could say I'm awestruck, if you construe awe as a term simply of amazement, exclusive of aesthetic or value judgment. Or you could just say "Wow." Because when we are amazed and awestruck in our family, we say, following in the immortal footsteps of Lilly's teacher, "All I can say is wow."


Anonymous said...

But, but, I'm female, and I don't understand. Are those her actual breasts? They're not just big, but they're confusing to me. It looks like a tuchas (butt) on her chest. And where did her nipples go? Shouldn't they be on there somewhere? Lastly, what's inside that big crease? A cracker-jack prize?

Lucy - Blogspot not taking my password tonight!?

Bette said...

My theory is that she is having some sort of hideous allergic reaction.