Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sunday Night with the NY Times Weddings

So I'm reading the weddings, wondering why on earth I still read the weddings, since I never know anyone in the weddings anymore (yes, I'm the kind of person who used to know people in the weddings, but now I'm old), and at this point in my life youthful proclamations of Harvard degrees and investment banker fathers only make me feel even older, not to mention cynical, and somewhat disgusted, and then I turn the page and there is someone I know in the weddings!

I feel like there should be a meaningful analytic conclusion to this post, but there isn't.


Libby said...

Yeah, I was glad that there was at least someone I knew OF in the weddings. A few years back a high school classmate was featured in Vows and I nearly fell over.

Sinda said...

I live nowhere near NYC, yet I always read the weddings, and was excited yesterday to see them too.

Sometimes I see other State of their Union articles and can remember reading the original announcement...

Lucy said...

Umm, now I don't need to worry about having a perfect life because someone else already has it reserved. Miraculous children, creative recognition, a fight every three months? I'm guessing there's a demented secret in there, like excema, or maybe halitosis?

I wish them well, really, and I hope the Urine thing goes okay.