Thursday, February 01, 2007

It Was a Joke, Stupid

Am I the only one who thinks the Boston terrorist scare/marketing prank is ridiculous? Why would terrorists place bombs so visibly, and mark them with cartoon figures in lights? Yes, it was a dumb prank, as pranks go, but it seems to me that the Boston brass should also be feeling a little dumb, for shutting down the city when bloggers and college students immediately knew what was up.

My favorite quote:

Assistant Attorney General John Grossman called the light boards "bomblike" devices and said that if they had been explosive they could have damaged infrastructure and transportation in the city.

Yeah, but they weren't explosive, and maybe you could have figured that out a little more quickly?

Alternative comeback: Just because subway trains and buses are transportation-like devices, do you want to claim that if the T was transporting nuclear weapons, Boston could be annihilated?


Anonymous said...

I've been snorting about this one all bloody day.

Libby said...

I'm torn between laughing at the idiocy of the powers-that-be and crying at the evidence, once again, that we are to be governed by fear and fear alone. I'm so sick of it.