Monday, March 26, 2007

Hot Chocolate and Aquaphor

A while ago in the Food section I saw one of those taste tests they do about hot chocolate. A panel of judges tasted a bunch of hot chocolate mixes and, though one of them won, they all sounded pretty mediocre. I think about that article every morning when I make M's hot chocolate. I'm not so much of a cook, but there are certain things that are so easy to do from scratch, that I can't believe people use mixes, especially when the mixes are not very good.

Here's how we make hot chocolate: in a mug mix 2 teaspoons sugar, 1 teaspoon cocoa, a pinch of salt, and a few drops of vanilla; add about an inch of boiling water (kettle is usually still hot from the coffee) and stir; fill cup with milk and stir again; microwave for two minutes. Add mini-marshmallows if you're feeling indulgent. So easy, so chemical-free, so delicious.

And while we're on the topic of products (we're not really, but I needed some kind of segue), I think we've finally found a lotion that effectively treats E's lizard-scaly skin: Aquaphor. Why didn't I know about this?


Jenny Davidson said...

If you didn't have a microwave, you would have to wash out the milky pan, which is not a particularly nice job! I don't know, I think the mix has its charms as long as you think of it as a separate food group--I don't like milk, so I was never a big 'real' hot-chocolate drinker even when I was a kid, I like the weird thin saltiness of the packet kind...

Phantom Scribbler said...

I frequently have cafe au lait for breakfast, but, come to think of it, hot chocolate for breakfast sounds like an excellent idea. And the procedure would be almost the same -- boiling the water and heating the milk with the microwave. Yum. Makes me almost look forward to tomorrow morning.

Libby said...

Mmm, hot chocolate! Hershey's syrup in hot milk (in the microwave) works ok, too. Someone just gave me a fabulous mix with cinnamon and hot pepper in it--I can't drink much, but it's very, very warming.

And, aquaphor is what Mark was given when he had radiation therapy, which causes very very dry (actually, "burned") skin. Yes, it is great.

Anonymous said...

I think you are a wonderful mother making hot chocolate for M every day!

Lucy said...

Hot chocolate? What kinda mother are you? She needs chocolate croissant to dip in there.

Ain't aquafor great?