Sunday, March 11, 2007

Women and Housework

I feel like I should have some feminist critique of this article, but actually I think it's spot on. Crux of the argument is that it's our own damn fault we do all the housework, and we should just insist that men do their share and suck it up if it doesn't get done, i.e. let go of our control issues.

Case in point: S can't do much of the day-to-day housework, or childcare, because he's never here. So he decided, when I was losing my mind one day, that he would do the laundry. Only he didn't do the laundry my way. I do it once a week, fold it all up, and put it away. He did a load here and a load there, left baskets of unfolded laundry around, and never put it away. This made me crazy, so I started doing the laundry again. Which is just stupid.

Plus, I feel really bad when he has to spend his rare time at home doing housework. Even though I spend enormous amounts of time at home doing housework, and taking care of the children. And I rationalize this on individual terms: he works so many more hours, I have more time to myself; he does so much more than most men. Which is just stupid again.

If we're thinking in terms of money, not hours, I've always made more until this year. Right now he has a bigger salary, but all told we make about the same. Within a few months I should be making more again, significantly more. So why am I the one who always feels guilty? For answers, see article.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I feel guilty, too, but Brett does more cleaning than I do so at least I have that excuse for guilt. However I cook more. Except on weekends.

You know, Brett is sounding better and better the more I type...