Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Not Quite Jerusalem, But It Will Do

Unless you've lived in a town where
  • your daughter was the only Jewish child in her school,
  • you were thrilled to finally find matzah in the local supermarket--only it said Not Kosher for Passover right on the front of the package, and
  • the biggest work event of the season was scheduled for the night of the first seder,
you can't really appreciate what it's like to live in a town where
  • your friend on the next street says she can't go out for ice cream because she has to make matzah ball soup,
  • the bakery around the corner is selling macaroons and Florentines special for Passover, and
  • a colleague leaving a voicemail to reschedule a meeting says she doesn't want to assume you'll be available on Thursday since its Passover.
And this isn't even a Jewish town!


Deb said...

Good for you, Becca. That must feel great!

Phantom Scribbler said...

I grew up in that town, actually. It sure was fun being the diversity in class.

Why exactly does not-kosher-for Passover matzah exist???