Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Whatever you think about the reality of Katie's Scientology babe-to-be,

that is one weird-looking belly on the right there.


Anonymous said...

oh my god. i can't believe people actually think shes preggers.

postacademic said...

do you think? But really, how would they do it? Stuff the belly? Even in the swimsuits in Australia or Fiji? Did she also gain weight to give her the bigger thighs et al? I think she's pregnant, but I wonder whether she and Tom turkey basted it for a pure and immaculate conception.

But basically, I'm confused.

Watch the new Tori Spelling TV show though, for a good scientology sendup.

Lucy said...

She looks like a toothpick with a Dunkin's munchkin popping off. Someone oughta tell her about maternity clothes. Let's hope she doesn't get post-partum depression, because Tom knows already that that's all crap. Brooke Shields is like twice his size, and with almost as much eyebrow. He was jealous, obviously. No wonder he jumped on Oprah's couch - he wanted to seem bigger.