Sunday, April 30, 2006

V.I.P. Treatment

We went out to dinner last night for the first time under the aegis of S's new position (he is now the chef--he was the sous chef). We went to a fancy downtown restaurant where the chefs are friends of friends and, of course, they know S's restaurant.

When we gave our names to the hostess, the manager immediately swooped down on us. "Oh," she gushed, "L has told us so much about you. We're so happy you're here." In fact, L doesn't even know us, and probably just told her that B's friend S, the new chef at X, was coming in, but hey, it worked.

The manager took us to the best table in the house, and throughout the meal, food we hadn't ordered kept arriving, with the compliments of the kitchen. An amuse bouche that nobody else got, an extra appetizer (though we'd already ordered two), an extra dessert (we'd only ordered one, the waiter's favorite, but he brought us his second-favorite too). Quite delightful, and all the food was delicious.

I asked S if he planned to do a lot more schmoozing, now that he is an East Coast Big City Chef. He said no, but I'm not quite sure that's the right strategy--for his career or my dining pleasure.


jackie said...

We had similar treatment when we had our anniversary dinner at a restaurant where a friend was the sommelier-- tasty treats all night! loved it!

parodie said...

Congrats to S! And hooray for the family enjoying the benefits of his hard work. :-) Sounds like a marvellous dinner, I'm jealous!