Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Matchmaking in the 21st Century

I set up two friends yesterday. I've known them both forever and it's never occurred to me to set them up, but I saw one of them this weekend and suddenly it struck me that they had sufficient similarities to make it worth trying: they are essentially the same age, they have the same profession, they share some interests, and (I didn't realize this one until I was almost done with the set-up, but I think it was at the heart of it) they are both very cool people and I am a very uncool person, and they both like me, which suggests some kind of shared sensibility (no need to tell me that I'm cool, because 1) I'm not, and 2) if you met the three of us, you would know exactly what I mean) (let's just say tattoos, to start).

Anyway, that's all I'm going to say about them, because at least one of them is reading this, and maybe both, but what was interesting to me was HOW I set them up. I emailed her blog URL to him, with the subject line "Does she have any appeal?" and I emailed his blog URL, professional webpage, and Friendster page to her, with the subject line "Does this guy interest you at all?" (why the different subject lines? I have no idea). They both responded with interest but trepidation, I quelled the trepidation with much "I don't know if this will work" honesty, they both did some googling, they both said they were interested, I sent an email to the two of them that said "X meet Y. Y meet X. You're on your own, kids. Love, Becca" and that was that.

I know internet dating and googling prospective dates and all that is totally old news, but this was such a different way of setting people up (though, now that I think of it, I'm not sure I've done very much matchmaking at all, which is just crazy, because I am such the matchmaking type, am I not? I mean, I know tons of people, I am a hopeless networker [hopeless in that I can't not network, not in that I'm bad at it--I'm very good at it], and people always tell me their stories and woes and interests, which all seems to make me a prime candidate for matchmaker...but it's just not something I've done--the only one I can even think of is when K and I set up M and A a million years ago, and that one was totally old school: we sat them next to each other at a seder and then asked each if they liked the other [they did, but it only lasted a month or so, for the best of everyone]).

Anyway, I don't have anything creative or persuasive or conclusive to say about this; I just found it interesting.

1 comment:

postacademic said...

Of course I am so grateful to you for doing so! And it made for a delightful interlude in the middle of daily stress and anxiety. But here's the problem with email / long distance meetings: if I've sent the last email (Tues. am) and Y has not written back, should I assume non-interest on his part or life matters intruding?

As for cool, not-cool, and tattoos, I was completely charmed by Y sending me a photo of his tattooed self with colostomy bag.