Friday, January 13, 2006

And Then There Were Five

I don't know about you, but I'm starting to get a distinctly Mia Farrow feeling about this whole situation. And we all know how that turned out.

[Mom, I'm talking about Brad and Angelina having a baby. Brad and Angelina are movie stars.]

[Points if you get the allusion in the title.]


Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Enright wrote a middle school age level book by that name?

Libby said...

Wait, is she having twins? That would really be Mia Farrow-esque.

I live in a cave. If I didn't read your blog I wouldn't know ANYTHING.

jackie said...

are you positing some future where Brad leaves Angie for one of the kids? Or just a rainbow-coalition of 12 or 15 kids with Brad and Ang smiling beatifically over them all?

I love that you know all this stuff, just like me!