Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Chaos and Disaster

I live with three very nice people. I love them a lot. They are good for kisses and silly games. However. They are, collectively and individually, incapable of putting things away.

Here are some things they do not put away:
- books
- trains
- cards
- shaving cream
- contact lens solution
- hair bands
- dolls
- books
- magazines
- used coffee filters
- dirty socks
- clean laundry
- boxes of Goldfish and Cheezits
- CDs
- books
- art projects
- dirty cups
- dirty bowls
- dirty glasses
- books

Sometimes I get fed up. Then I don't put things away either. Then chaos and disaster ensues.

I tell you, I love them a lot, but sometimes this incapacity affects my affection.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your post made me laugh, but then it made me think - I live with two people I love who also do not put things away. I'll add to your list the following: snow boots, snow pants, hats, gloves, shoes (many, many pairs of shoes), and dirty cups with a little bit of milk still in them.

Glad I'm not alone...