Thursday, January 05, 2006

In the News

I don't know how obvious it is, but I'm a total news junkie. My homepage is CNN. I read the East Coast Big City newspaper every day and usually at least check the NY Times. If something big happens I head straight to the NY Times and Washington Post websites, not to mention relevant blogs and local newspapers.

Today, for instance, I was indignant about Bush's "signing statement" that he will use his presidential prerogative to bypass the new laws about torture, and slightly heartened by the fact that three Republican senators are calling him on it. Then I was appalled by the Taliban beheading a school headmaster for teaching girls. The Abramoff thing actually kind of amuses me, though I doubt it will get the play in the heartland that it should. I'm all in favor of new treatments for ovarian cancer. I'm keeping an eye on the Harvey murders, which are so upsetting to begin with and made more upsetting, for me, because Libby knew them, and S was into House of Freaks, and the girls were 9 and 4. And of course, I'm obsessed with Sharon.

I'm not quite sure why I don't blog about the news more, given how much time I spend thinking about it. Maybe it's because I don't really have anything original to say, or perhaps because my readers seem more interested in tales of life with M and E, about whom it is certainly easier to write originally. Still, I thought you should know this about me.

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