Sunday, January 22, 2006

Old Home Weekend

Dawn asked me the other day if everyone in East Coast Big City knows each other. Kinda, I said.

This weekend turned into Old Home Weekend, completely unexpectedly. Friday, running around the pond in City, I came upon an old friend from high school, R. She invited us to dinner last night, along with her brother-in-law and his girlfriend who used to work in restaurants in City and now have an organic farm about an hour away. Organic farms and restaurants have been big in our lives for a long time, so there was lots to talk about and various people in common, including, of course, S's boss, C, who has been the center of the East Coast Big City restaurant/organic farm interface for years.

Yesterday morning, I ran into J outside a children's concert. I've known J since, well, probably since she was born, because she's about a year younger than me, and her sister S was my friend when I was one. Anyway, J lives about five blocks from me in Town, and I've only seen her once since we moved here. But yesterday I kept running into her in Town Center (the concert sold out three people ahead of us in line, so we were all just poking around in Town Center) and we ended up having lunch together. It turns out that her husband made the sign for the restaurant where S works because S's boss C's wife ME is the sister of the husband of J's old friend R who I went to grade school with. I think. Or maybe I just went to high school with her sister. Because I could have sworn that J and I went to grade school together, but in fact, she went to grade school with R and then to high school with my sister while I went to high school with her sister. Got that?

Maybe it's just that everyone in East Coast Big City knows C.

1 comment:

landismom said...

I'm starting to wonder if your East Coast Big City and mine are the same. I definitely have that feeling sometimes--how can we be in an area this populated, and still run into the same people over and over again.