Sunday, January 29, 2006

My Children Are Being Delightful These Days

I hate to blog about this, because I don't want to jinx it. Then again, I feel like so often one notices one's children's behavior only when it is awful, and simply takes said children for granted the rest of the time, often not even paying attention to good behavior which tends to register as the absence of misbehavior, and absence tends not to register (you can substitute "I" for "one" in that sentence, if you want, but for some reason an attempt at non-narcissism seemed called for ) (you can also take that sentence as a brief for the postive rhetorical and aesthetic effects of using "I" instead of "one").

Anyway, lately M and E have been absolutely delightful. M has not had a tantrum since E's birthday which was well over a month ago, and she is entertaining, independent, and full of positive attitude. E is cheerful and hilarious and even eager to be helpful. And they've hardly been fighting at all.

Today I had to do an errand about an hour away and we made a day of it. We went out to lunch, played outside, did the errand, went for ice cream. They were great company throughout, and totally well-behaved during the errand which took quite a while. I was so happy that they are my kids.

1 comment:

thatgirl said...

I'M so happy that they are your kids!